Thank You lake community volunteers!

Thank you to Jay Tanzman who recently took it upon himself to replace the roof on our Duane Lake sign located at the corner of West Duane and North Mansion. Now that should last another 30 years!

And last but not least, thank you to the crew who took on the task of removing an old dock that was shedding pieces of styrofoam into the Cove.

Speaking of old docks, please inspect the condition of your dock. Some older docks in particular, were floated using big blocks of styrofoam. Styrofoam, due to its chemical make-up and its potential to break-off in minuscule pieces, has proven to be a pollutant in drinking water sources and is very detrimental to wildlife.

Here's a YouTube link to a video concerning styrofoam pollution in Lake Champlain:

If you are a Duane Lake resident and have a dock with styrofoam that you need help removing, please e-mail the DLA or use the Contact Us window in the sidebar and we'll do our best to get a crew together to help you pull your dock out of the water.