The Statewide Burn Ban Went Into Effect March 16th
There's lot's of news to share!
Uncle Duane Needs You!
The Duane Lake Association is looking for volunteers to attend the 2025 Annual Meeting of the NY State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) May 2-3, 2025, at the Fort William Henry Hotel and Conference Center in Lake George.
It’s a terrific opportunity to learn about lake management and absorb ideas and experiences from leaders of lake associations all across the state. And the Duane Lake Association will reimburse expenses for two attendees attending on behalf of our association.
It’s a festival of new ideas and tried ‘n true ones for lake management and lake association management.
Topics on this year’s agenda include aquatic invasive species identification and monitoring, navigating new freshwater regulations, an introduction to limnology, watershed education, evaluation of aeration for the mitigation of algae blooms, and watershed rules for the protection of drinking water . . . and a whole lot more.
Here is a link to all the conference details.
If interested, please reply to no later than March 23rd.
Your membership renewal REALLY matters!
If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2025, please don’t waste another minute before writing a check to the Duane Lake Association and mailing it to Norm Stewart, treasurer, 624 Duane Lake Road, Duanesburg, NY 12056. ($75, but $45 for those age 65 and older—‘though most pay the $75 anyway and many contribute even more.)
It matters more than you might guess.
Beyond paying for lab tests of water samples gathered from our lake-water monitoring program, beyond battling to get Duane Lake admitted into the NY State Septic Replacement Program, beyond getting an engineering firm to appraise the integrity of the dam and saving-up money for its maintenance, and beyond organizing a host of social and work parties for the Duane Lake community, your membership and your dues deliver a powerful message.
The message is this: When you’re meeting with government officials and they’re wondering how many folks around the lake really support your work, you can confidently say 85%-90% . . . a vote majority they would envy.
Yes, it matters a great deal.
So . . . thank you. Thank you for your support. We’ll keep working to earn it.
Upcoming Dates:
Saturday, April 26th (two events)
Annual Earth Day Roadside Cleanup, 9:00 AM
We’ll gather for assignments at the Duane Lake sign on the spur road between Duane Lake Road and Schoharie Turnpike. We’re usually done by 11:00 a.m. Many hands make light work! So, mark your calendar for a worthwhile cause that makes a difference.
Raptor Day” presentation, 1:30 PM (you will want to be there!)
Silent Wings – Raptor Rehab and Education organization will present a program about birds of prey at the Lady Fatima Church Hall in Delanson (behind the high school). Three owls, a hawk, and a falcon will be coming along, so we will be able to see them up close and learn about them. This program is appropriate for all ages. Silent Wings comes highly recommended from local libraries. DLA members are encouraged to bring a friend or family member to join us for the event!
Saturday, June 21st
Duane Lake Association Annual Meeting, 12pm
Be sure to join us for the Annual Duane Lake Picnic & Meeting at the Van Patten Mill Park. It’s a fun and informative get together with the hamburgers, hotdogs and an array of dishes provided by everyone.
Annual Rowing Feast - details to follow
Be sure to join us for the Annual Duane Lake Picnic & Meeting at the Van Patten Mill Park. It’s a fun and informative get together with the hamburgers, hotdogs and an array of dishes provided by everyone.
Saturday, August 9th
Annual Rowing Feast - details to follow
Duane Lake Neighborhood Garage Sale - details to follow
Duane Lake Eagle Update

Our resident bald eagles are at it again! We think they mated on or near Lincoln’s birthday although there were no reports from local voyeurs. The Whiteheads are less than robust in their mating dance; internet search results show some wild courtship behaviors. The first sighting of an adult nesting deep in the aerie was February 20th. It is known that eggs are laid about 10 days after mating. Mrs. Whitehead insists on doing the majority of the nesting and often demands fish dinners be delivered. Mr. Whitehead willingly takes the incubation duties when allowed. Incubation is about 35 days. Usually two eggs are laid, one a day or two after the first.
The Whiteheads made Duane Lake their home in 2019 and laid their first egg(s) on April 14, 2020. The eggs were not viable and the adults vacated the nest on Day 35. In 2021, two eaglets hatched on April 12 and one - the first born - survived.
On April 14/15, 2022, two eggs hatched and both eaglets survived. In 2023, hatching began on March 30th and both eaglets survived that year as well.
Last year was devastating as no eggs or chicks were successful. During the incubation period in 2024, two major storms plus extended cold spells may have affected the mortality.
NY DEC suggested that the Avian Flu is increasingly prevalent in the Northeast. H5N1 is most devastating for birds in the Southeast coastal areas, estimated at 90% mortality rate. Our human neighbors wintering in southwest Florida know that the North Ft. Myers bald eagles’ clutch was unsuccessful this year due to this disease.
Talons are crossed for successful Duane Lake hatchlings during the week of March 23rd! Watch for additional feedings and parental protection activity. Also, in past years there have been juvenile baldies terrorizing the family hoping for a free meal. The best sign will be tiny faint “peeping” sounds emanating from the nest. The babies are not in view for a week or so as the walls of the nest are high.
We are a blessed community in many ways including our beloved winged neighbors producing grandchicks for our excitement!
And last but certainly not least, a big shout-out to Kim Roberts for re-designing, repairing and improving the door of the Duane Lake sign at the corner of West Duane and North Mansion! Thank you, Kim!