We will choose the date that works for the most members. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, January 15th.
2025 Duane Lake Eagle Calendars
The new 2025 Duane Lake eagle calendars are now available. The photos, taken by Karen Connors, of our resident eagles and some of their offspring are incredible and each month's page includes everything you wanted to know about eagles! The calendars cost $20 each with a portion of the proceeds going toward the Duane Lake Association.If you would like to purchase a calendar,
please text Karen at 518-421-8497 by next Friday, January 17th.
The Duane Lake Roving Feast is going to take place on Saturday, January 25, 2025. This is a fun (and delicious) winter time community event that includes stops at five of your neighbors homes, each stop hosting a course or beverage. Neighbors can pitch-in and provide a dish of their choice to supplement a particular host stop. So far, we have the soup, the brandy stop and the main course lined-up; we still need to line-up host stops for the appetizers and for dessert. Please reach out to Kim Roberts if you are interested in hosting one of these stops or just providing a dish to help out.
Kim can be reached by calling or texting him at 518-522-6811 or by e-mail at hobiekim@aol.com (calling Kim is the prefered contact).
Please watch for your 2025 DLA membership mailing coming to you by week's end. Lake stewardship is financed and supported by your generous dollars and your active membership in the Lake Association. Your participation and fresh perspectives in these volunteer activities keep our community vibrant and our ecosystem healthy. Please be sure to send in your membership dues promptly. Thank you in advance for your support!
What septic service do you use?
We are curious about what septic pumping company you use and your experience with the company. Have you been satisfied with their service or not? Please reply with your comments - both positive and negative.